Mature Students

Mature students (students who will be 23 years of age or older in the calendar year they will be studying), who believe they have reasonable potential for success based on previous work experience or other criteria, may declare as a mature student in order to waive a prerequisite in identified credit courses listed in programs below.

Students choosing this option will be held to all of the same academic standards, policies and academic deadline dates as those students who have met the prerequisites.

Students wishing to declare as a mature student for the purpose of waiving prerequisites are strongly encouraged to meet with an educational advisor before registering.

Students wishing to declare as a mature student must self-identify prior to the published deadline to meet prerequisites. The Office of the Registrar will not assume mature student status if it is not declared. Students may only be considered qualified for a course as a mature student after the Mature Student Declaration form is completed and signed.

Mature student status is limited to two courses per term, and is limited to the program areas listed below. All first year courses with secondary school prerequisites in the following program areas:

After successful completion of OAD 020 (formerly ABT 020), all courses within the Office Administration (Applied Business Technology) programs listed below: