Project immerses nursing students in remote First Nations communities

Name: Kate Moynihan

Project: Raising Student Nurses in Remote First Nations Communities

Role in Project: Student Co-Explorer

Briefly describe the project: The Raising Student Nurses in Remote Communities inquiry/research project aims to create opportunities for first year BSN students to experience immersion learning in remote Indigenous communities. We wish to discern if having first year students participate in these learning experiences helps to decolonize perspective and assist in reconciliation.

How is this project related to your studies? Research is integral to the evolution of the nursing profession, and thus understanding research is vital to my work as an RN. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s call to action #24 beseeched that nursing schools be part of decolonization and reconciliation by providing courses dealing with Indigenous health issues. I took part in this research in response to this call.

Most Valuable part of being involved in this project? Being in the room with such wise, knowledgeable, open, compassionate and brilliant people has changed my life. The wisdom I have been exposed to in this process is unforgettable and a true gift in this life.

Media Contact
C: 250-207-6946