Sexualized Violence

At NIC, we believe that all members of the college community have the right to live, learn, work and play in an environment that is free from all forms of sexualized violence.

Preventing sexualized violence starts with fostering a culture of respect, awareness, and consent in all our interactions. This entails acknowledging and respecting other individuals' boundaries, regardless of the context, from sharing someone's photo online to more significant actions like seeking permission for touching, kissing, or dating.

We offer confidential support for NIC students and employees who have been impacted by sexual violence, such as sexual assault or harassment, regardless of when or where it took place. We will support you in ways that feel right for you.

People of all gender identities and sexual orientations are welcome.


I need...



Immediate assistance for a safety or medical incident


Emergency assistance from ambulance or fire/police departments

To find victim services in my area

Call or Text 1-800-563-0808

Referral to a network of community, social, health, justice and government resources

To talk to someone immediately because I am having an emotional crisis or thoughts of suicide


Help finding my way. More details on the Vancouver Island Crisis Line website


NIC will ensure that survivors and those impacted by sexualized violence are supported when addressing any disclosures or reports under the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response policy. Disclosing and reporting are separate decisions that result in different levels of response or action by the College.

Make a Disclosure

You can choose to make it known to a member of the College community that you have experienced or witnessed sexualized violence. A disclosure does not initiate a formal investigative process.

Make a Report

A report of sexual violence initiates an investigation or alternate resolution process at NIC.

Students may file a report with:

Employees may file a report with:

You can also choose to file a report with the RCMP or through a third party. VictimLinkBC is a 24/7 toll-free, confidential, multilingual service that can refer you to victim services and third party anonymous reporting services in your area. Call or text 1-800-563-0808 or send an email to


NIC prioritizes confidentiality to create a safe environment for those affected by sexualized violence. The institution commits to protecting privacy but may breach it in rare cases, such as imminent harm, risk to the community, ensuring a fair process, or legal obligations (for example, if one of the persons involved is a minor or if the judge subpoenas the College's case records).


Sexualized violence can happen to anyone. At NIC, we believe everyone needs to be prepared to be part of the conversation about how to prevent and respond to sexualized violence.

Your response to a disclosure can have a significant impact on what a survivor does next. Responding in a non-judgmental manner while prioritizing the safety of those impacted by sexualized violence and providing options or choices on what to do next will help to avoid re-traumatizing or re-victimizing someone who has disclosed to you. Learn more by completing the Safer Campuses for Everyone Training; Employee edition or Student edition (coming soon). 

Those who are directly impacted by sexualized violence are more likely to disclose sexual assault or other forms of sexual violence to someone they know and trust. If you need advice or support, reach out to:

Please obtain consent from the person who disclosed to you before you share any specific information.

You can also access personal supports through the Counselling Department (Students) or Family Assistance Program (Employees).


If you have any questions or feedback about the information on this page, please reach out to (Student Life).