Education Council

The Education Council is established by the provincial College and Institute Act and is made up of faculty members, administration and support staff and student representatives. The council’s role is to ensure educational quality at North Island College.

The Education Council serves two main functions:

  • To review and approve curriculum and policies that relate to academic standing, academic standards and evaluation of student performance;
  • To advise the Board of Governors on the development of educational policy (e.g. related to the implementation and/or cancellation of courses and programs, evaluation of programs and educational services, terms of affiliation with other post-secondary bodies, qualifications for admission policies and criteria for awarding certificates, diplomas and degrees).
Being on Education Council as a student representative has been an awesome experience in learning the true inner workings of how our courses are developed and brought forth to our marketing calendars and catalogues.
Our instructors are under enormous pressure every term to bring forth matters regarding our course content that effects our programs. We, as students, do have an opportunity to comment and help with these tasks as they arise.
I urge anyone considering a career in education, business or politics to try and sit on these committees. It's a great experience and a privilege to do so.
Debbie Price
NIC Education Council & Curriculum Committee Student Representative