Campbell River Eldercollege Search Results

The information below will link to Instant Enrolment for further course detail, but registering for a course WILL NOT WORK until Registration opens (announcement via email) at each respective campus.

CR ElderCollege Membership


ElderCollege membership for Campbell River courses is an annual membership that covers the academic year from September 1 to August 31 . NOTE: CREC does not run courses during the period of June 1 to August 31. By requesting membership with ElderCollege, I understand the membership fee is non-refundable; I consent to NIC releasing my personal information to the ElderCollege Executive Committee and its subcommittees, for the purposes of course registration/notification, and in supporting ElderCollege volunteer activities.

Section Location Dates Cost
CREC-0001-CRS1 CR Jun 30 $10.00

The Art of the Card


Turn your cards into a work of art. You will be introduced to gilding flakes and foils, how to get creative with windows, add multiple levels, apply embellishments, build your card from the inside out, and create fabulous envelopes!

Composers' Lives And Music


These presentations explore the life and compositions of composers. Each class will include biographical information about them, delivered in an informal and entertaining way with many examples of the works written by each. The presentations should leave the listener with a fairly complete picture of the musician and the man. The third class explores the development of the orchestra from the 17th century to today.

Writers' Group


You are a writer and would like to belong to a writers' group. We'll discuss different types of groups, tools to bring to a critique group, and how a writers' group that fits your needs might be formed or found. Handouts will be provided.

Writing Memoir


Written memoir comes in many forms. You are writing one, or have gathered material with the intent of writing one. We'll talk about content, structure, voice, target readership, and how to put it all together so your target readership others will want to read it.

Photography NEXT LEVEL


To take photographers to the next level, capturing better images. The course covers digital photography, advanced controls, composition, when to break the rules, getting technical and artistic tools & creations.

How to be Unscammable


Digital security can feel daunting to most of us. Unscammable is designed to help older adults learn how to stay safe online by providing practical tips and strategies to avoid scams and online threats. This series gives you simple steps to follow to secure your personal data, your online accounts, and devices.

Library Online!


Learn how to use the public library from the comfort of your own home! A librarian will walk you through using our catalogue, ordering books, using ebooks, and even how to watch movies, all from your phone or computer. Course leader: Arija Fisher

Intro to Word for Seniors


Familiarize yourself with the many features of Microsoft Word. Start with the basics of adding, removing and manipulating text, formatting, layouts, review options, printing and saving. Move on to create lists, add breaks, columns, hyperlinks etc. If you are using Word and feel like you are not getting the full benefit, attend this class and take a deeper dive into the many features available to you. You will need a USB stick to save your work.

iPad Digital Essentials


A new course designed to help you, regardless of your experience level, master your iPad and stay on top of the latest tech trends. Some of the topics covered include personalizing devices, digital security, artificial intelligence, and more. Even if you've mastered the basics, this course will give you valuable new skills to add to your digital toolbox.

Inequities in Health Services


This course will use recent stories of people from marginalized communities living in rural geographies and the latest data to illustrate the inequities found in health and community services. The course will engage attendees in discussion around two questions, "What can I do to encourage change in my local community? Where/what are the best opportunities for making a difference in the quality of our health & community services?"

Living with a Hearing Disability


Join Marlene for this one day class as she tells her story of living as a hearing impaired person. She will share the importance of taking care of yourself as you adapt to hearing assist devices and pass on some tips and tricks that you can use to include people with hearing issues in your community.

Erasing the Numbers


When someone dies, those who are left behind must tie up the loose ends -- erase the numbers. And there are a lot of them, many unique to the individual who's died, many no one else even knows or thinks about. Simplify the closure process for your family by learning how to make a to- do list of people and places to notify, complete with the numbers that need erasing. Note: Bring a pen and paper to class

Spotlight on Ageism


Ageism is highly prevalent and the most socially accepted and tolerated form of discrimination in Canada. It is based on someone's age and, like sexism or racism, is discrimination. It can occur at any point in our lifespan - regardless of how old we are - and may lead to others making judgements about our background, capability, mental or physical status, based only on their impression of our age.

Panama Canal


Slide show of the trip from Vancouver BC to Fort Lauderdale via Los Angeles, Mexico, the Panama Canal, Columbia, and the Caribbean.

In Lockstep with King Charles


Through his life in the UK, Quentin's journey was one of privilege. A father who was knighted; attending a very 'upper-crusty boys' boarding school, are just a few of the highlights. He'll talk about life as it's lived by the highly privileged and how it connects to King Charles.

Genealogy Basics And Research


The first class of this three-part course will teach participants how to start researching their family tree and how to record the information that they find. Class two will focus on how to organize research results. Class three will discuss genealogy-related websites and other resources, and the information they contain. RITA BALBONI AND DONNA COX

Genetic Genealogy With DNA


This course will focus on direct-to-consumer DNA tests from Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe. DNA is a powerful tool in genealogy. Understanding and interpreting your results may verify your family tree research, help find missing branches, identify new cousins, and uncover unknown parentage through adoption or circumstances. We will cover DNA Basics, ethnicity results, shared matches, and some advanced DNA tools. Students should bring a laptop. Christol James

History on the Run


Explore the fascinating stories of Northern Vancouver Island with "History on the Run" presented by the Museum at Campbell River. The three topics we will focus on in Fall 2024 are: Ocean Falls, Desolation Sound, and a behind-the-scenes look at our Museum Collection.

eBird for Beginners


Join biologist Sandra Milligan to learn about tools that open doors to birding, primarily eBird. This talk is directed towards people with a cell phone who can download the eBird app. Data is not necessary. The class will be split between the classroom, and (weather permitting) a walk outside to practice using eBird. Sandra will share information about local hotspots to enjoy birding, local bird species, and how to use eBird to enrich travel. Students should download the eBird app before the class, and ideally, try it before class. SANDRA MILLIGAN

Creekside Restoration


A guided walking tour to explore the restorative area of Willow Creek estuary and highlight ways seniors of varying abilities can participate in restoration work. We will tour beside the Good Witches' nettle patch, through a past indigenous presence, and into a more natural setting showcasing an ancient secret keeper alder. Please dress appropriately. In the case of very windy weather, the course will be postponed. Meet at the Ken Forde Ramp. Note: participants must sign a waiver prior to the start of the course.

City of Tomorrow - Campbell River


How do you see Campbell River's future? As a senior, what are your ideas for housing and infrastructure, health services, recreation, arts and culture, Join us for a series of conversations about what we would like to see for the future of our community.

History of the BCP 45 Seiner


The course will include information on the Maritime Heritage Centre building and the acquisition of the BCP 45, concluding with a tour of the boat. Participants should enter at the main entrance.

Citizens on Patrol


History of the Community Policing concept, RCMP Relationship & Rapport, Non Profit Society, Recruitment Requirements, Training, Programs, Night Mobile Patrols, Road Safety, Supporting Community Events, Child Find & Back to School Speed Watch. Recognizing the many volunteer hours of our membership we host two appreciation functions Annually, a Summer BBQ and Christmas Dinner.

Habitat for Humanity


Founded in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has a proud history of working with volunteers to build affordable housing. Learn about Habitat's vision, purpose and homeownership model and what the organization is doing locally to address the lack of affordable housing in Campbell River and the Comox Valley. Not only will you learn more about this great organization, but you'll also hear about the many ways you can get involved.